Saturday, February 18, 2006

Morning Chores

It is so very cold, I finally get dressed after 2nd cup of coffee.... Trying to get warm inside enough to feed and do the chores of the morning. As I dress I wonder if the hand warmers in the barn would help if I shoved them into my bra....Or better yet have one of those hot flashes hit... I'm forever getting them at night when I least need it... Okay back to the morning.... I'm looking much like the Michelin man and the flannel shirt under the barn jacket are on, I attempt to put flashy boots on but can not bend over as the layers of clothing make it impossible. I remove my gear put boots back on and open the kitchen door to only feel as if I will be flash frozen like a chicken breast....Holy moly it is so cold....This is just not right....The Pacific northwest is just not use to this.....I get the feed and head to horses....Latch is frozen and I have to give it a hard knock... The horses usually greet me with excitement, today they are plotting on how to get me... It is clear that they are hating me and the evil cold. The Alpacas are peeking out of the house. They are covered with a thin coat of frost.... I check the Barn and find the 1000 gallon stock tank frozen over....The koi too I know are plotting against me. I come to the conclusion that I should just stay in as it would be pointless to try and be the frozen farm fairy.... I love the early mornings, cleaning horse paddocks in the peace and quiet. I will do them after it gets over 30 degrees... Little hope of that as it is 16 degrees.....I will put second coat of paint on hallway walls and be content that I am doing something.....

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