Friday, February 17, 2006

Finally Friday

Well the big chill is more like a big frost...23degrees is far more bearable then the -14 degrees my poor husband has to deal with. At least all the outdoor chores will be warmer than I feared.. And I have decided to share the crazy rubber boots.... Everyone who knows me roars with laughter as these are so not me..... Now for this morning I GOT TO SLEEP FOR ALMOST 8 1/2 HOURS!!!! My husband left 3 phone calls last night wondering if the ranch had swallowed me into some abyss. I called him at 5am knowing he would be worried, I having some guilt for turning off the phone assured him I was safe and just NEEDED the sleep...We spoke of this when he realized that I have not slept this much since we have been married...

Other news of the week...My husband made the back page of the local news paper were he is working...A half page about the damn and all the work going on. Mind you this paper is a whopping 12 pages total and over half of that is just full of ads...He is on knees welding and have a good time doing it.... So much for the Artic freeze....


FarmWife said...

Those are FABULOUS!!! Who needs Manolo's when you can get polka dot work boots?

Farm Fairy & Bruno said...

Monolo what?

FarmWife said...

They're very expensive shoes. Think Sex in the City.