Saturday, February 18, 2006


Okay so I do do dishes but the view out the window is of the old truck and garden shed ( both are old and broken down) Anyway I was just talking to myself about the bumper stickers and signs I'd use ...If I could....

I'm here what more do want?

Was I suppose to answered that?

Boys bathroom sign behind the big tree ( what is it about peeing outside all the time?

Hey city slicker shut the gate

Please, please don't make me tell you what I think

If is is going to happen, it'll be here

Are you STILL talking?

And to think I'm the normal one

easy for you to say, you don't live here.

Check back with me when your not stupid

There is just not enough coffee

And your stunned?

You go first

Your from the city aren't you?

Imagine you got here without help

If you can complain you can work

Are you a resent addition?

When will it all stop

At least I get to leave

Your life is not a reality show yet?

Please tell me I'm sleep walking

are you a test subject?

Is that your brilliant solution?

I have chickens that are smarter


FarmWife said...

I want the one that says Check back with me when you're not stupid. A college buddy had a button that said Stupid people shouldn't breath.

Anonymous said...

Hey T...How about "Stupid Sticks sold by the dozen"