Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008

To all those LURKERS out there....

I have disabled the comment part and you may say hi, even go ahead say the animals to me what ever.......I see all the places like Spain, Greece and so forth...I counted over twenty countries......and then all you Americans.....stopping in every now and again...JUST let me know your there...names, nicknames or just a wink......I'm here and wanna know you saw something here.....

Daizy baby sits.....

Sunday, February 10, 2008

the strange world we live in......@ Halleyville

When you know what you wanna do......

But have no idea how to implement the whole i may or may not have help.....we'll see.

I had an adventure yesterday and want to share it with you all..but I have to gather me head...but here is a small hint....