Monday, February 11, 2008

To all those LURKERS out there....

I have disabled the comment part and you may say hi, even go ahead say the animals to me what ever.......I see all the places like Spain, Greece and so forth...I counted over twenty countries......and then all you Americans.....stopping in every now and again...JUST let me know your there...names, nicknames or just a wink......I'm here and wanna know you saw something here.....

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Hello, I read your blog often. Found you through Ang and I found her through Mighty Max. I went to school with Max's Papa. Plus I got to meet him when they were here in WV. His mommy went to school with our son. Enjoy all your stories and will keep checking in. The picture of the white dog is so much like the one that we used to have.
Take care,
Carolyn in WV