Thursday, January 11, 2007

Free Will

Okay so I have been thinking for awhile about Grace's post the other day. I did not comment but I do have to post not so much as an address more a view. Tiny as it might be in the world at large. Anyway forgive me if I should offend anyone ( not my intent) and with love and openness to you all. I have no judgements, I gave them up for peace. I have strong ideas about who I am but not of others, lets face it I can hardly get to the end of the day dealing with myself about me let alone spare a moment on haranguing another soul which does not live with in this Farm Fairy.

Anyway here is is:

Would it be possible that God in His wisdom has us struggle over these things so that we can choose to follow like good little lambs? What without such struggles in our own faith that we can not come to truly honor Him? That what we choose at the end of the day is really our prayers being heard? Are prayers really not confessions that we are saying " I have no control and I do not know what to do? Could you lead me as I am lost?" Isn't it also that we do not hear very well? And we stumble onto a path, every now and again that leads us to less than good behavior? Our defiance could be a matter of pure laziness...Is it not easier to take the road that cause us less faith...

Well it is something to think about....

Now about me....I can hope that I am better every day not for any reason other than I choose...Not because of God, faith rules or anything else. But because I could not live with myself. My body may not have choices. Who I am , the soul that surrounds me is a gift and I should hope that it will serve as a vessel regardless of what it may be called to do.

I love you all, I wish for you all, I pray and have faith in each and everyone of you, not because I have to but because I want to. Be well, be comforted in what you beleive, even if it might be a bit faint sometimes.


Grace said...

Thanks for sharing. I love hearing others opinions as long as there given in the spirit of love and not in a spirit of "I'm right".

I definitely believe it is our free will and the choices we make that enable us to honor him... like I said in my post, if we had to honor him, what would be the good in it.

Lauren said...

Thanks for your insight. :-) I'm thankful our blogs have become "safe" places where we are free to ponder such things among friends. It reminds me a little of my college days in the dorm... except you guys don't have to see how messy I am physically as well as emotionally. I'm workin on it, though! I am increasingly aware of the fact that my organization or lack of is definitely a matter of choices. Little ones that snowball into big ones.

Lauren said...

p.s. I thought of you last night as my insomnia kept me awake. I was not in the mood to get online, though.