Sunday, November 19, 2006


It is early Sunday morning and I found myself waking up on the sofa 45 minutes ago...This was not my plan, I was going to just watch a few more minutes of a movie and then go to bed. I had it all planned out....Talk to hubby, check...Turn off ALL phones, check.....Turn down bed and open window and turn off heat....Check... Get cats in and brush teeth, check... And then whammmm sound to sleep on sofa....I had my face smashed on the back of sofa and dreaming about the rabbit...How he would have fun here and that I could train him. I then dreamed of moving into this really old house on a huge farm in the south someplace...It had a zoo that thrilled me to no end.....Clearly it was the night of dreams thanks to Saint Francis....

Anyway Buluga has had a bout with her legs and I put everything on the back burners and took care of her instead of doing anything else. She appears to be stiff this morning and has not gotten off her bed. We know that there are really good days and then days like yesterday. I know that we have done all the right things but it still kills me that she might have even the smallest of pains.

Alrighty now winter is calling and fall is pushing her hardest to get there as soon as possible. I dream of snowy romantic nights not the dreary grey that has settled in with no notion of going anyplace else. The leaves have piled themselves into various corners thanks to the wind and I will collect them at the first rain free moment. I also have a few chores that I am reserving for later.

It is still dark and I can hear Rocky outside starting his morning ritual of starting off in the far distance and getting closer with each crow. Many a times I have called hubby back in the morning just to let him hear how Rocky's voice is changing from little man rooster to grown young man .... He is SO huge and it is hard to remember him as the little cutie that sat on the kids the day we got them. Anyway he will crow at the back porch door if there is no food in the cat dish...Yes these darn chickens LOVE cat food..... Now if I could only find those darn eggs..This is the problem with letting them run loose all over the place. Rocky and Aida are back to roosing on the small lilac branch..

I would love to go back to bed but it is not in the cards as Rocky will not stop until he sees me and will go around to the back by my open window and demand my absolute attention..At least I am not at the demand of something far larger.....Which if hubby would let me I'd have two of every known animal that I could dream of....

Well there is much to do today and I will be trying to work around here without disturbing the Buluga....She will remain of puppy drugs for the next few days...The news is screaming rain and more wind. I too am hoping Inking will be feeling better soon...Ang is feeling a bit better.

I'd like to also say thank you to several people for donating some items for the auction...Ang donated two genealogy searches, her gram a handmade runner and Judith donated two wills. A couple of dinners at two restaurants.

I hope you all have a good day.....And please say hey every now and again. I know there are so many folks reading this and I love letting you all know about the adventures here at Halleyville.
I'd like to hear where you are from and what you like about our blog...Keep reading , keep safe and enjoy the blog....


Carolyn said...

Hi, Carolyn from WV here. I read Mighty Max, then found Dylan and then Ang and found you through Ang. Love reading about the farm and your adventures. But you can keep the wet/windy weather. Although we do get that here, but not as bad as out there. Today is sunny and chilly.

Glad you are feeling better from the dentist ordeal. That is not fun.

Well, keep blogging and I'll keep reading.

Happy Thanksgiving,
Carolyn in WV

Farm Fairy & Bruno said...

Thank You and to you too!