Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Well if you are going to be a Target

On my way to school my mind and I had a long talk with God. ( I am not politically correct, it is MERRY CHRISTMAS and so on!) I refuse to edit this in anyway. Period. Anyway the conversation went rather well and I was pleased not to feel guilty for being so cynical. I use to but since this has gone on for ever and people do not change, at least for the most part it is what it is. I have come to the conclusion that the world at large is my personal 24 hour cable show. I thank God for providing me with an unending comedy show. If anyone out there will do something stupid I can assure you they will do it in front of me. How I became the WITNESS I shall never know. How I imagine that it all happened...Saint Peter and Saint Francis are up late watching the full moon and God askes them " hey boys what are you doing?" Peter responded with "we are watching that girl down there" pointing to me " what is she doing?" Oh we think she is bored out of her mind...God in his wisdom thinks for a few moments and says "well now we can't have that, she has been too serious, lets give her some entertainment" And so the comedy show begins..In fact to this point it has not stopped. If someone is going to be stupid and they always are I alone will seek it out and expose them with out thinking one solid minute about it...I have on a regular basis exposed and ridiculed myself usually worst than I would a stranger..It is as if I have given myself the duty watch and I will keep a keen eye. Trying to hide is futile...Don't bother I have the stupid radar gun surgically implanted forward and back. Now then being out in the country further gives it the twist that I can enjoy even more than when I was in the city realize that at times it is like baiting a wild beast buy inviting people here. I do not invite them to torture or anything else. I do not go out of my way to expose folks and then fall to the ground rolling with laughter, it just happens like that more often than not. I believe I will be forgiven in the end or at least I hope so...I am not the only one to see this over time...How else do you explain the daily news papers and the reality shows...So you see I am just a fearless soul that will be honest and blunt enough to expose this hence, the target theory. And might I add a very slow moving target, why else would it be so easy to report? I no longer try to save people from themselves. Mainly because the battle of it only turns into the "I'll show you" which often results in someone harming themselves further. I do have a little compassion...Although usually reserved for those that have hoof's, tails, and wings...Animals too do funny and stupid things and I will expose and find it humorous but really folks, people are more likely to be far funnier and dumber..I would think if I had more time I would find even more. These people are not my personal victims so much as volunteers. I imagine that I wrote the first comedy in another life or that I sent the first telegram making the world at large laugh at themselves. Could it be that it may never stop? I should think that is why I can not or will not act my age, hence why my mom still says to me to grow up....Well not really but I suspect that she is thinking it....I do really have a heart the size of Texas and will allow others to see it even if it is after the fact. Have a good day, the Halleyville Ranch and Funny Farm will be getting started now........

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