Wednesday, February 08, 2006

5:30 AM

Well today should prove or test my ability to control my opinions. Our class will be visiting several farms in the area. I tend to judge things, well more so about animals and the conditions they live in...I don't care to judge people, they do and are what they are. But when it comes to living conditions of animals I can become the supreme court judge. It started when I was rather young and wanting to save all the animals that I decided should be in a better environment. Now the reason I have come to hesitate this one class. If someone is giving away or needing a new home for ANY animal I will be the one that lights up with delight knowing I am the only person remaining on the planet earth that can rescue the poor, the infirm, the disabled and the abused and neglected. I am certain that if my husband knew this prior to marring me he may have thought about it twice. I gave him plenty of clues and warnings. Not that he really took them seriously. Okay back to the Noah arc theory. I know that all animals are potently future residences at the Halleyville Ranch..I can see my parents reading this and rolling with laughter. Just ask my mom about the beloved rat that I had to have. He would sleep with me and the delight and obsession began. Now then the farm tours are just like a huge Temera happy land waiting to spy in on the next place that another family member may come from. The bad part, I can not control my mouth. There are things that have come out that in a moments time I wish I had kept to myself. My husband so far has been rather good humored about it. At what point he will not be so charmed by this is unknown. He is a wonderful husband and each time he agrees to my begging and persistence, only endears him more to me. Anyway no matter the fan I somehow find something that just does not sit well with me. Okay pray that I do not come home with yet another animal at least not until John will not be home for several weeks. If I slide a new name in on our conversations he gets use to the new antics and it is if they have always been here. SCORE! New baby and I had to not beg too bad.

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