Sunday, August 05, 2007

how to getter done faster...

I have come to the conclusion that few things motivate people...One such motivation is waving "bonus" money in ones face. So the worker who has repeatedly showed up well past noon almost without fail was given a little "mojo" I made an offer (unlikely he will be here) that if he showed up by 8 am I would hand him $50.00...Why you ask? well lets put it this way I figure the sooner he is here the sooner I will have power...and lets face it when you show up at 4pm you are not going to put in a full there it is...It is unlikely that I will be parting with the fifty..but with that said I'd be glad to just to getter done! and whats more I just want to clean the house from the piles of dust that never seem to stop...sheet rock to grout to whatever...It is futile to even think about it.

I have a habit of opening the windows and grabbing the leaf blower...whatever works to remove the dust,huh? Now there is this story about this farm fairy opening all the doors and windows in the old house...i hauled out said leaf blower and went from top floor to bottom...the only problem with this is that when i put the blower to the bottom of the fridge a confetti of dust, dirt and what not floated up the back and over the top of said fridge falling ever so over this farm fairies head.

UPDATE: at 7:54am they showed up...I eat my words and pay the grinning guy!!!but now i will get a full 8 hours out of them!!!! Which is worth a lot right now....tootles.

1 comment:

FarmWife said...

I seem to remember a story about you, a leaf blower, and the dryer vent...