Friday, March 16, 2007


It's hard to get a great photo as she is ALWAYS moving!


Anonymous said...

Let me know when she gets to the terrible twos! Ha Ha

Lauren said...

I thought of you after our playdate yesterday. We stopped by the pet store on the way out of the mall. Baby Bear LOVED the bunnies. One came over to the window and stood on its back legs, pawing like it wanted to hop through the glass to her fruity cheerios. SOOO adorable. I was very tempted to get us a pet bunny, but I didn't. Maybe after baby bear is potty trained. I mean, if you can potty train a rabbit to go where it's supposed to, surely it's not too young to start with a baby?! I'm only half kidding.

Constance said...

Good Saturday morning Farm Fairy,
Toddler Savannah is adorable !
I wonder how long before old man Jonas isn't growling at her anymore.

Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and Bruno !

Grace said...

She is so durn cute!

No Mas said...

Ow, I have to stay away from pet places! Thank goodness my Tux bunny is getting more used to me and letting me pet him. He was out in his big pen - actually the hen house pen where he loved to run around during the day. I look out the kitchen window to see him running around in the field - holy smoke! Thank goodness big dog was off roaming. Now the little devil took one good bite out of my AC adapter for my Dell laptop and it is trash. $70 later and I still must wait until it ships on the 20th. Need to see what else he has gnawed - sterio, telephone....