Sunday, May 14, 2006


Most people have well lets just say rather typical moms......Me on the other hand is another story......
My mom is VERY COOL !!!! I know you are all laughing because I being me saying the word "cool" just about puts most of you on the floor rolling.....But let me explain...........

I will try to tell you in a few short lines about my mom, ok stop laughing, I know it will be more than a few lines.........

My mom is little just over 5 feet tall,
she is as tough as they come....She grew up in Northern Canada without power or running water
she did and can out survive anyone out in the woods...Not that she would go back....She does not care to be that cold, infact given the chance she would live in Arizona....( my dad could not he likes the cold )

On more than one occasion my hubby and I have called her to use her as a dictionary...She often solves most of our scrabble arguments ( yes we have several dictionaries and the internet ) but she will give us a completed description as well as the Latin origins......

She reads at least 5 books a week during the winter, thus being the reason I am certain she knows all the Latin names of her plants in the amazing garden she has created....Her mind is so quick and she is so smart.... The smartest woman I have ever known...( I have in almost 43 years met plenty of folks...) She has lectured on Native American History and then taken a several month road trip with dad to SEE HISTORICAL SITES......

Mom is the best cook in the world I will put her up against anyone ( famous or not ) and I will assure you she will out chef anyone.....MY OWN HUBBY says to me "honey, your the second best cook" we then both laugh because we know mom is # 1......

Well mom

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY.....You are amazing !!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please give your mom a big huge hug for me and tell her I love her..Happy Mother's day to her..

but most of all Happy Mother's Day to you..You're animals are so lucky to have you as their Mother. You spoil them rotten, and I know if you could have your way they'd all be in the house with you.

Rest today and enjoy your BBQ..