Thursday, March 30, 2006

Green acres is the life for me

There are people who just do not get it...I'm speaking of the ranch/farm thing.... I have decided one gets it or does not...Some of those who do get it would love to live like this others think you are insanely crazy...Who would ever do that much work and for what? When everything you could ever need you can go to the store and get or pay the folks at the local gym $24.00 per month to sweat that hard....So I sat there defending why I choose THIS LIFE..... Here is the short list.

The green acres song should be sung prior to reading this as that is the tune that is rolling around this chickie head of mine...

1) Farm animals are almost always your personal source of entertainment ( no movie theater)
2) Fresh eggs ARE THE BEST.......Who needs to go shopping for them?
3) Morning chores are always outside....( fresh air to wake you up )
4) When it is the FULL farm clean up day you will not need to go to the gym.
5) All the yard waste and kitchen scrapes go to the compost....
6) Chickens not only give you eggs they also eat all the flies...( no more fly strips are electric zappers)
7) People slow down to look at the farm animals ( less speeding )
8) Animals are more grateful for your company than most people.
9) Frogs are a good thing to have ( serenades you to sleep)
10) Hubby is happier when wife is happy.....Wife is happy to live on a ranch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When are you going to get some piglets?