Sunday, November 12, 2006

Note from Ang

Hey all it's Ang,

Just a note to let you know what's going on. I went out to Halleyville and spent 6 hours trying to find out why her laptop decided to take a vacation on her.

After 6 hours both of us wracking our brains I brought her laptop home. I am in the process of taking all of her saved pictures and documents off her computer to restore it back to factory settings and then put the documents/pictures back on.

In the meantime she does have computer access with a desktop that is hanging on by it's last leg. I may be doing the same to it as well.

But I wanted to let you know Farm Fairy is alive, well, and kicking and as soon as she can she will start posting here again and getting everyone caught up.

She sends her love to you all and thank you's for your prayers for her.

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