Wednesday, May 24, 2006

If it is going to rain I say eat chocolate cake

Well it is raining STILL not just again but still.....How am I too get those plants planted, unlike other washingtonians I NOW refuse to go out......My R.A. and the upper chest thing makes me not go....Years ago it would not have stopped me....So last night I was craving chocolate cake ( yes with frosting) so I had planned on feeding then going to store for some sorta of snack cake....i.e. Ding dong or something else.....But I am tired and really do not want to drive in the rain and all those people...So I checked for cake making stuff....Eggs, yep...Flour, yep....Vanilla sugar, yep...Soda, baking powder, chocolate, salt & butter...I have all I need....I heat up oven and haul out bowl to mix it all up... Now I will never eat a whole cake so I plan on only making half.... This is where the trouble started... Now I am tired and am a little ditzy...... But I do continue.....Half the flour, half the sugar, butter & the rest....All is going fine and I use the time while it is in the oven on the ab lounger ...I figure I will work off what I am about to eat..So I do my thing... Sometime later I check half cake ( 9x9) pan and leave it just a tad longer....I make the bed and put the cans in the recycle and feed the cats..Cake is done and the liver for buluga goes in.....I watch antiques road show and let cake cool....I then make the frosting...Yes chocolate!!!!!!! I cut a slice and frost the cake..... Now I am very tired and all I want is a cup of coffee with the cake.....No!!!! Resist.... I make coffee for the morning and a sniff of the freshly ground beans satisfies me for the moment.... The cake is good and moist....The butter cream chocolate frosting is okay......I had beat it by hand so it was not the fluffy mass I would enjoy....But it was all about the chocolate.....My punishment for all this.....

a sore tummy ( too many crunches)
migrain from too much chocolate & rain

Now several folks who know me
yummo with my beloved coffee.....
and yes i know what will happen after but hell the head is already pounding so why not?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Chocolate..How I miss it. I've become mom and formed an alergy to it. YUCK!!! So now it's just chocolated scented candles. Yah, right!