Monday, April 09, 2007

from April fools day to today

Cute pics of the babies...And can anyone explain to me why one of my hens is laying goose sized eggs?


Lauren said...

Can geese and hens inter-breed? I mean, other animals can.. just look at the mule.

Could just be some potent grain she's been fed. Or perhaps all the snow you've had in the last few months has something to do with it.

I didn't say my theories would be good. Hope you don't have a Dogwood winter up there! (Do dogwoods even grow there? I almost forgot that tree selection varies from one region of the country to another.)

Farm Fairy & Bruno said...

Yes we have wonderful Dogwoods here.

FarmWife said...

Are your gigantic eggs double yolkers? We get those at times and they all have 2 yolks. They facinate me and make me glad I'm not a hen...can you imagine?! That would be like giving birth to a 14 pound baby on a daily basis. Yikes!!!

Farm Fairy & Bruno said...

Yes some are doubles...oh that would hurt so much. I was just thinking that the huge ones should only come from Texas ....

Constance said...

Dear FF,
okay, I'm clueless. Who is Daisy Mae ? And I read your comment to me, wow, ohmygoodness, when ? Are you excited ? That will be such a change ! Have you been there before ? Will you be able to take most of the babies with you ? Is he considering it seriously ? When might it happen ?

Huge hens from healthy hens !

Grace said...

Ditto to the "Daisy Mae" question... very impressive eggs, that hen must be taking fertility drugs.....