Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valintines Day

It is a pleasure to announce that Bruno and I have as of today been married three years.Silly girls write their wedding vowes when asked to be the bride, I think it was less then a year after we met that I wrote the ones I would say...We had never even kissed or held hands nor said love words for the first 4 or 5 years.....but I knew he was the one and I would spend at least 6 years watching him run while I would sit there knowing that he would be back and that God did not make me this aware that Bruno was ( and is ) the one for me. Anyway it took some time ( like eternity) for all the right things to fall into things eventually did...

Here we are, happily married. We work hard to make our dreams come true which today include my beloved some miles from home working like a crazy man and me being the farm fairy at our ranch. I spend my days assuring the welfare of all these thing that I love....Trying my hardest with my efforts to take a good portion of pressure off of Bruno shoulders. I miss waking up to make him breakfast and pack up his lunch ( just as my mum did) and always having a great hot meal for him moments after he gets home and cleaned up. I miss surrendering the remote control and the intense scrabble games.I miss the thank yous for the little things like making up lunch. I miss that little look he gives me. The excitement that he is home from work and I get to take care of him ... Life is crazy and gets away from us every now and again..

So here we are far apart on this double day.....St. Valentine's and our anniversary. And I wish that I could sweep him away to the islands and give him the break he so needs and deserves more than any man I have ever met... we never did take a honeymoon. (that crazy life thing).

So darling if for some reason you get to read this know this.... You are my hero...I have everything I need .... Thank you being the best husband and friend a wife could ever hope to have. Thank you for always moving forward...Thanks for seeing me and loving me regardless of the flaws and faults we all have. Know you are respected and loved like no other man. Happy Anniversary ....


No Mas said...

Happy Sweet Day!

Lauren said...

Okay, you just made me cry. Happy Anniversary!!!!

Constance said...

Bruno is lucky to have you as well, Farm Fairy. That was a beautiful post.
Your love for him is palpable in your words, and your deeds, and I am sure, in your eyes and smile as well !
Happy day to you both, you are only far apart in geography.
May the future hold ease and grace for you both in your home on the ranch.

Inkling said...

Happy Valentine's Day and Happy 3rd Anniversary! I'm so sad that you guys are apart for such a special occasion, though I'm glad he was able to come home for the weekend. You guys love each other so much, and my prayer is that you will only grow closer through the years, the joys, the challenges, and all the laughter.......okay, and even the plumbing episodes. Sending mucho hugs your way....