Thursday, March 23, 2006

How the week got away from me

One of a pair of paintings in the guest room.

Well life is life I had several days that involved a migrain among other things like cleaning stalls putting barn dry in unloading the boxes shipping them off ... Rain has returned and left a few times it was very warm today and the sun went down to return the cold back to the dark....

I have decided that blowing the vacuum cleaner out with the air compressor is NOT a good idea when the bag is still in it...This will and did result in a bag exploding on you...Me in this paticuler case..The end results being one body ( already sweating) covered in a debri of cat/dog hair and dust...Mind you I was preparing the vac for a new bag ( ordered but not delivered yet) so now I have to clear the carport out with the compressor and then blow myself off... This was an idea that failed as the glue dust and sweat had stuck to my fleece headband and my neck!!!! yucko !!!! There is just not enough words that explain the ugh of it..

The horses played the water game and managed to loosen the spigot which sprayed me just prior to the above event....Hence sweaty and wet flannel ....Well you can do the math on your own...

I did not want to fry the chicken hearts for Buluga tonight.....Instead I put them in a pie plate and added a little water, shoved them in micro wave. I thinking this would be faster. I pop my yucko body into shower to remove the stuff....I come out to hear an exploding noise.... Can anyone guess what this noise could be???? Yes, my dear friends I managed to watch the entire plate of hearts exploding inside the microwave.... MORE MESS!!!!!!! I can only laugh at this point as I recall that John and I had tried this before with the VERY SAME RESULTS.... Can anyone tell that I am sleep walking????

I put some chicken breasts into pan put lid on it and fire up stovetop and go dry my body and get into jammies!!!! I figure I will put warm water and vinegar in the micro to steam off the yuck and clean it later tonight..

And my dinner you ask???? A bowl of cereal with half & half.... Easy I can't burn it or make it explode...Why tempt fate further????????

Good night y'all


FarmWife said...

You and your air compressor. I'm beginning to think you may be a little dangerous with that thing! Hope you got all the yuch off you and out of the microwave! My kids had ceral for dinner last night...they didn't like what I had made, that's their perogative.

Anonymous said...

Oh my..Sorry to hear of your migraines. I hope you feel better soon. Saying prayers for you..By chance does hubby get to come home again this weekend?

FarmWife said...

That painting reminds me of the movie What Dreams May Come.

Farm Fairy & Bruno said...

Did I tell you THAT is one of my favorite MOVIES of all time??? In fact this is the very reason they ( paintings)are here.....The scene with his daughter and the kids playing look just like those steps in these paintings!!!!