Thursday, February 23, 2006

Mother Hildagard

Mother H came to school yesterday...She raises sheep, llamas and alpacas on 300+ acres at the monastery... Being raised across the street from St. Pius I enjoyed the nuns and their humor..They are especially funny... Anyway the class has lost the advisor as the sheriff has called to inform her that all her horses were loose....( I wonder now how the sheriff had her phone number) well then Mother Hildagard has arrived at the very moment that the advisor is flying out the door. Mother H is so funny, she had the whole class roaring with laughter about how to breed the llamas....It seems that one has to tape the tail of the female prior to allowing the male into the pen. Once the male starts his task at hand you apparently can do just about anything. Now the reason this is all so funny is that our nun is giving a blow by blow description of what the male looks like at this time. Mother H has eyes rolling and her head going back and forth as well as her habit swirling around. The whole class can not keep from laughing it took most of us several moments to regain our composure... Most of the class is not Catholic and their idea of a Catholic Nun does not resemble what they are experiencing in class... I on the other hand know many nuns. As a little girl I would beg the nuns that lived across the street from us to let me be Catholic ( all the kids I knew were) and that I knew God had put Sister Maria and Mother Superior on those steps just for me to become Catholic.. Sister Maria was young and kind, beyond words....She would allow me to sneak into the church on a regular basis as well as teaching me about Saint Francis as I had a habit of showing up with my newest rescued animal in hand. I would spend the better part of my visit begging and insisting that she take it to get it blessed with holy water... Tears would stream down my face as I passionately explained that I knew God would let them live under my care if they were blessed. I would bring my babies to the church on the day that all the animals would be blessed.Insisting that they were all good Catholics even if I was not yet... Anyway Mother Hildagard was a wealth of info as well as incredibly funny...I am certain she would have taken me in under her wing if she had been around when I was little...I still have the small cards that the nuns would hand me as well as a very large painting of The Virgin Mary that I was lucky enough to get while visiting Peru several years ago....My poor husband just rolls his eyes at the piles of Catholic stuff that he finds in our house...He has informed me several times that I make a better Catholic than his mother...I am certain none of the nuns would agree with him. But I am certain that poor Saint Francis was very busy trying to keep up with me....

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