Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Cold Crash

Well you all know that once you have the flu and then you feel better. Thus the crash landing of a cold hit me square in the head & chest...I called the clinic and was told this is going on and almost each person who has had this flu has also been knocked with this nasty cold. I can no longer stop this little fairy to deal with it , so I am just working around it.
The babies are have a great time in the play pen (living room) and Thomas and Slinky are tolerant of the whole bunny business. I think that more the better.I found one of Bulugas stuffed toys and gave it to them, they now roll over it on it and pick it up and carry it. Will try to get a photo of that as soon as possible.
Hope you all are well and living a dream of some sorts.


Constance said...

Good morning Farm Fairy ! I love your slideshows !

I am amazed at your energy and fortitude in working around that nasty cold !

(I'd be in bed for a week, asking for assistance with chores from some kind soul who had time - or I'd be paying them to help !)

It sounds like Thomas and Slinky and the bunnies are all happy and harmonious and enjoying themselves mightily ! Looking forward to pictures !
You are a good mom to your furry children, Farm Fairy...

It's a cold, rainy, wind-blowing morning here, my cat just ate part of her breakfast and is giving her paws a wash, and I'm going to go take a shower and get ready for the day. No dreams being lived here, except I have a roof over my head, a tummy full of Cheerios, nice friends, and a clear conscience -- so I feel pretty blessed...

Cyber-Hugs to you, FF, and please, dear, try to rest. I worry about you working so hard. Don't want that cold to turn to pneumonia...

No Mas said...

Goodness, running a farm is hard enough without being sick. Feel better soon!