Saturday, December 16, 2006

It was...

Nine days before Christmas and cold as could be....And there out of the corner of my eye what did I see? Two naughty Alpacas certainly not where they should be..I in my slippers them in their fleece. I dashed out the door chasing them in the cold morning air. I tried all I could to get them to go back to the barn where they all know. I got my boots, hat and gloves just in time to watch it snow. There I was on the go , chasing two naughty boys racing as fast as they could. They going one way I the other....I left in a puff, having had enough.....


Anonymous said...

A little honery
running from their mommy?

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back, missed you. So, are they still alive or did you do something horrible, don't leave us in suspense:)?

Farm Fairy & Bruno said...

They are alive, and eating EVERYTHING!!!Bad boys!!! Missed you all too.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Glad to hear you didn't do them in, but I'd definitely put them on the naughty list!