Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Places to take Inklings Hubby!!!

these are huge pinnacles at Pinnacle Park a few miles from Cashmere...
near Cashmere,Washington
wonderful place for Inkling's hubby to explore!


Farm Fairy & Bruno said...

Oh Inkling the photo of the valley was taken from the peaks ot the park....

Inkling said...

You are too funny! I WILL have to take him there, once I'm finally allowed to cross the silly border. Of course, if my current plans for his birthday don't materialize (I'm waiting for a guy to call me back about a cabin), maybe I'll just have him sneak me over the border and we'll go here. =)

As for pictures of grapeness, that thought didn't even cross my mind. I've already given half of the good to Barrel Racer, but maybe I can take a photo of the items that remain at my place.