Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Rain Again

Well at least I had several days free from rain...only to arrive here on the last day of February to be greeted with 10 days og coming rain....Any thought of painting to chicken coop is on hold for the moment...the pathetic look of the Alpacas rips at my heart...I would have all the animals in the house if that husband of mine would let me....our 1935 farmhouse is stout and I am certain could hold the 5000 pounds ( collective weight of all animals) I have insisted that I could live in a barn....I can see it now, the first floor would have all the animals in huge pens and the second floor open loft style living quarters looking down upon our herd. Three sides of upper area would be 1)kitchen/ dining room 2) huge bedroom / huge bathroom 3) Livingroom... As you can see I have put a great deal of thought into this...


FarmWife said...

Yes, but what about the smell?

Farm Fairy & Bruno said...

Smell? Your talking to the girl who just went out to get some feed (hay) to put under the pillow so she can get back to sleep