Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The extended absence of farm fairy.......

Well now let us see...
one fractured wrist...check
one broken foot....check
return of Bruno...check
life run amuck...check

Hi everyone.......Life has decided to go at twice the speed of light and i have had no energy to keep up with it...Thankfully Bruno has taken two months off and we will be able to finish the house over the next 60 days...I have had a series of broken this or that and now have to try and keep up with Bruno. I did make it out to Arizona to work for 5 days and have not recovered from that whirl wind fly in fly out like a fairy....

Anyway I am fine, nothing to serious that would keep me from you all too long.

will up date you over the next week of life here....or something that resembles it...

Hope you are all well and life has been good to you all...


Queen Mother said...

sorry about all the breaking.

hope spring and summer bring better times.

what is happening with all your outside babies?

Lauren said...

Oh, I'm sorry to hear about the injuries! But glad your beloved is home for a spell. Hang in there and don't work too hard!