Thursday, June 07, 2007

As if

the world was not crazy and busy enough.....I have had one of my favorite visitors here yesterday on his way to Japan...Blaze and I enjoyed lunch at the Thai place and spoke of family and friends.

I also added two new people to my small world...Lou and Jim....they are responsible for making me dance on the ceiling all day long....they are shipping a little something to give to Bruno as he has worked so hard all his life and deserves this more than any man I can think of.....She is a beauty and is just a year old (2006) She is being shipped from I know that is clear across the U.S. and that I would love to be doing a road trip with Bruno in her but the fact is that we will do that when Bruno takes a month off after the job at the dam is done and before he goes to the next dream is 10 days to Yellowstone as Bruno has NEVER been there.I have been lucky enough to see it three times...once after moving from Japan and then again after leaving Hawaii and the first time as a little girl...There is magic there and oh the Bison!!!
Anyway I could not be happier about the new toy for Bruno.....

I would love to be at the dam when she is delivered and see his face....


Grace said...

Oh man what a bummer you can't see his face! That would be awesome!

No Mas said...

Yes indeed - how nice! Have a GREAT day Miss Farm Fairy.

Constance said...

Very pretty indeed !

Lauren said...

oh, how cool!