Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Zombie house

Not only does my amazing hubby go to work ( 60 Hours aweek ) PIG! he also has a dutiful wife who awakes at 4am to make breakfast & lunch.....I do not go back to sleep (wishfull thinking) and then there is the stuff about life , farm house duties and ranch repairs as well as having a fresh made from scratch meal on the table......okay so far this week I installed four garden shed windows as well as framed them in and painted the trim...That happened ALL on Monday...today was house work and such then tomorrow despite the heat I will put up 48 jars of fresh strawberry jam......Hubbies favorite..He once tried to put a fork through a ranch workers hand when said worker boy went for JOHNS jam.....now I'lljust make more then he can eat...I also caught him consumming an entire jar ( fridge open , spoon in & out a jar...)When I woke the next morning empty jar...the apricot jam lasted no longer....I am so tired I took the laptop to bed to blog you all...Good night from Zombie land.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh babe!!! You two need to go out and that beautiful deck you and hubby built, put your feet up in the evening and have a glass of cold ice tea, or rootbeer or something cold and relax together..I know, I know..Hard concept..But one of you has to start..
Love ya..