Thursday, April 26, 2007


So I was done with morning chores in record time. The horses just knew I was up to not good. Maybe because of the clothing or that I was not letting them out to eat on the bare pasture. I checked chickens and was packing the car up with laptop, case full of jewelry and and camera... The drive was okay for the first one mile on the freeway, after that the loonies came out as if to let me know that I was going to the city....uh, yea trust me I know! I made my stops and arrived to the safety of Ang's home. We spent the day addressing a number of things for Jupiter's Muses...As always our visits are like a fast storm of chaos and full of laughter. I had a great time...Poor Ang is always so hard on herself. Which I have learned it's just stuff and things but no need to panic. Not an illness or someone in the hospital or dying. So we got things done and I was fed a wonderful home cooked meal as well as given the recipes...Yahoo. I have so much to do like calling for the forth time the tractor place to come pick up the mower and call the contractor who was to call two weeks ago. Anyway I will check on you all again later. Have a perfect day and keep dry.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Odd Reality @ Halleyville

I have just gotten in Today was good, very good..I got to eat supper before I feed the animals today!!! A few times a year that happens around here.

And now for the odd reality.....

The other day I did not have to shower or prepare for a visitor at around 10 am I go and shut the doors and start the water for a shower.I forgot my towel and went to get it came back and went to set it on the towel stand and what do you suppose I found on the fresh clean towels? Well kids, it was Aida the hen laying an egg!!! I just about fell over, you see normally when she does come in she eats the cat food and wonders into the living room to visit the bunnies and watch the television. And then when Rocky starts to crow and carry on she gets up and goes to the rest of the flock. Well after my shower and a few other things like dishes I went outside, not raining and warm as well as Flash working so I did a few things and went to go get the eggs and who do I find laying on 5 eggs...No surrey not a rooster nor a her, heck I found that crazy Slinky (cat) curled up on the pile sound to sleep... An odd world Farm Fairy odd indeed.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

a perfect 24 hours....

I had returned home late Sunday night from my visit with Bruno and then our visit with friends in East Wenatchee. We had a good time and we grazed none stop on foods to the point of being in agony. You know there is some food that is so good that even the most rational refuses to stop stuffing their face. Sunday turned out to be a wonderful day indeed...We ate breakfast at Sandy's waffle house in Leavenworth,Wa. A short walk from the hotel. The staff kind and swift with even the smallest of needs. We spoke to Sandy the owner we explained Bruno had lived in the Village for some twenty years and was wondering about an old lady hubby use to live next to. There was some question if she was still alive ( over 90 ) and Sandy rounded up a phone book and found that yes indeed she was listed. Bruno asked if we might use the phone and ring her up...Sandy happily gave us the phone and Bruno called and waited for what seemed like a great deal of time. Rosetta said hello in her sweet Tennessean drawl and we asked if we might pop in for a visit. We walked the few minutes to her little home and sat in old comfy chairs awhile hearing stories that she had of her family, who was doing what who had died. Her voice is one that you can find yourself lost in ...her stories of the Tennessee hills and you find yourself a hundred years in the past. The walls were covered with family photos, the tables too are covered with them along with cards and letters. There across from me hung a photo with 9 men and two little children, dirty faced, overalls , old hats and tools, half of them clad in overalls. When asked about the photo she said that the little boy was her daddy..The photo was over a 100 years old set in front of an old cabin in some haller. Another a photo of her folks sitting in chairs some place in front of the old family homestead, taken just before her mum had died. We had to leave all too soon but promised to return again soon.

We checked out of the hotel and headed to Wenatchee...To visit more friends. Jose and Richardo two of Brunos friends. Now I know Jose pretty well but I have only met Richardo a few times ( less than 5 times) and then only for a few minutes. Bruno on the other hand has watched the kids grow up and known the family forever. The kids surrounded me with questions and such, asked about photos..and the next thing I know we had my laptop out and looked at tons of photos of our farm of the house and all the animals. The kids played on the puter while the guys fixed the window on my SUV and then we where called to eat..again the food being so good that we are yet again too full to do anything but want to nap. I have never felt more at home than I did Sunday. It was late and both Bruno and I each had long drives to do. By the time I left it was heading towards 7pm and I would not be home before 10 pm. Yesterdays photo is of Jose, Adriana and her little sister, Diana...Richardo's kids are wonderful fun, polite and smarter than most kids that I know. So I am looking forward to returning to visit friends who made me feel like a part of their family. Life is good...