Monday, June 26, 2006

When husband is at Home

Well as you might have guest the hubby is home and there is little time for blogging...So sorry... Hubby isan overtime pig and a we rarely stop if ever. We had the trim up yesterday in heat that the Pacific Northewest rarely we DID Stop when no one could move very fast. Tempers where short heat was high and we called it a day... The garden shed is coming along not near as fast as hubby would have it would be done in 5 days given his choice. But working 60 hours aweek has slowed any farm up grades to a snails pace. had friends stop by on Sat for a short visit while hubby feel fast to sleep.....He IS SO TIRED... and I can not help but feel sad that we have not won the lottery so he could stay home with his beloved horses..... I wish he would slow down. I love this man he is my hero....I wish I could beg him just to stop for a day......Well it is 5:45 am and I am going to paint the garden shed befor the heat hits the 90's........Have a great day......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Put a bandanna on your head to protect your beautiful hair girl.

It was an honor to come and see the famed Halleyville Ranch and I loved seeing "LaBond's" work up close and personal.

Get up close to a fan and work on your projects girl..We'll be saying I knew you when!!